Lynch Soup; or: Why a “hanging” metaphor isn’t always meant as a racial slur

Okay… Sorry this might be a bit rough but I’m posting on the blackberry (which you did know I had BAS… I just think you forgot…remember my excitement over being able to “poat” from the bb?)

I know this has been said many times before by political commentators much smarter and more savvy than I, but WHAT a strange political season this has been. McCain, who was pretty much out of the running a couple of months ago, clinched the republican nomination tonight…

And Clinton and Obama are still at it… I hate to tell them, but they’re effectively strangling the democratic party… Think about it… Now McCain can begin an actual presidential campaign, not a nomination campaign. And with democrats pretty much split (and pretty much emphatically… People feel pretty strongly For their candidate and against the other) he can pretty much jump on a “unity” for change kind of ticket…

I don’t care what the polls are saying (they keep going back and forth on “electability” when factoring whether C or O would be better pitted against McCain)… I think a unified party will always have a better chance than a “house divided.” After these G. W. Bush years I truly thought it impossible to get another Republican in the office this time around… But now I think there’s a good chance…

And who will Republicans have to thank?

The presidency is greater than one man (or woman) Senators Clinton and Obama.

(I was going to insert a “hanging” comment here b/c I thought it appropriate in light of the strangulation of the democratic party’s hopes and the need of one of the Senators to cut the rope for the good of the party. But political correctness has me editing it to this comment…

Usually I don’t stand too long on the p.c. or censorship soapbox, but I have just realized that the freedom afforded people in this country to express themselves using “the pen” rather than the sword is seriously suffocated when every metaphor or illustration can be twisted to offend…)

Damn political correctness…

Senators? One of you had better cut the rope… Neither of you may have broken your neck when the barrel was kicked out from beneath you, but your slow asphyxiation is quickly choking your party’s chances for the presidency.

Or if that’s too offensive for the Obama fans (hey, I like some of the things the man stands for too) try this… Senators? One of you needs to get out of the kitchen. Too many cooks ruin the soup, and as things stand now, we’ll be eating the same OLD conservative soup for the next four years…

This message brought to you by an equal opportunity alienator…